Bühler GmbHCimbriaTBA GroupPort of South LouisianaSailors SocietyTelestack
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  • Telestack
  • Port of South Louisiana
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  • Bühler GmbH


Technology for green shipping

Technology for green shipping

(Posted on 26/04/18)

Classification society DNV GL has issued a new white paper which assesses a range of alternative fuels and technologies. The white paper ‘Alternative fuels and technologies for greener shipping’ examines the price, availability, regulatory challenges and environmental benefits of alternative fuels and technologies, including...

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Wärtsilä partners MPA Singapore

(Posted on 26/04/18)

The technology group Wärtsilä has partnered with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) to promote maritime innovation and R&D. The partnership covers four different streams: digital acceleration, cyber-physical security, intelligent vessel and port operations. Wärtsilä and MPA have also agreed...

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Thordon joins IWSA

(Posted on 24/04/18)

Thordon Bearings has joined a growing number of organisations to have signed up as a full associate member of the International Windship Association (IWSA), the organisation established to facilitate and promote the economic and environmental advantages of wind propulsion across the shipping industry.IWSA now has a membership base...

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Massterly management team announcement

(Posted on 24/04/18)

Newly formed joint venture company Massterly is now taking shape, announcing its managing director and its chair of the board. With Kongsberg and Wilhelmsen putting their most valuable assets on the front lines, Massterly have all the benefits available to become the leading autonomy company in the maritime industry.Wilhelmsen and...

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TMS Ship Finance and Trade Conference 2018 launched

(Posted on 24/04/18)

The date and location of the fourth annual The Maritime Standard Ship Finance and Trade Conference have been confirmed. The event, which has increased tremendously in terms of profile and popularity since its launch in 2015, will be held on 6th November at the Sheraton Hotel and Resort in Abu Dhabi. This follows the successful staging...

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Dualog’s helps seafarers manage time online

(Posted on 24/04/18)

Delivering quality internet connectivity to the world’s vessels is a ‘must have’ in our fast-changing shipping industry,y but helping today’s seafarer manage the way he or she accesses this internet capacity is essential if this valuable resource is to be used effectively and efficiently.  Dualog is...

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ViganTMS Awards 2023Geneva DryVan AalstPort of Stockton
  • Van Aalst
  • Port of Stockton
  • TMS Awards 2023

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